"Competitive sport plays a key role in the development of our operational capability." 

The AGC, through sport, aim to create an environment which encourages service personnel, both regular and reserve, to participate in a full range of competitive sporting activity. Putting them in a place of challenge, to develop personally and share experiences with others from across each of out cap badges."

Arranging a Corps Sport event or Adventurous training? - don't forget to apply for a grant and be sure to produce a write up of your experience with pictures for publication on this website as well as the Journal. 

WO1 Wayne Heathcote - Corps Sergeant Major

Interested in getting involved in a Corps Sport? New Members are always welcome so why not make contact today with your chosen sport.

The Adjutant General's Corps Association is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales under the registered charity number:1185298 at Corps HQ, The Gloucester Building, Worthy Down, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2RG. This website is owned and managed by the AGC Association and complies with Defence Intellectual Property Rights.
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